SPF Yearly Plans & Budgets

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2018     $84,180

  • Musoma Community Saturation Program
  • Continue with radio, journalism, and Wildlife Ambassadors programs
  • Continue Loliondo work with new staff person
  • Hire SPF Assistant Director
2018 Program / Activity


Details / Notes




Director’s Salary Full time salary for Meyasi Meshilieck, Executive Director. Includes a housing allowance. 13,800
Director’s Assistant Hire Assistant Director. Will help with all aspects of administration and program development.  6,000
Loliondo Regional Staff Hire full time beginning mid-year 4,000
Government Pension Contributions 10% pension payments for all staff 1,980
Communications Internet. Wi-Fi. International calls 600
Office Space  2,400
Partner Meetings 2 per month  600
Conference / Training Ongoing staff training programs  2,000
Radio Ngorongoro Expand current programming to a new radio station reaching communities in the NCA. Provide 4 programs per month  4,800
Radio Loliondo / Musoma Provide Swahili programming through Loliondo Radio to the east of the Serengeti. This also reaches the Musoma area on the western side of the Serengeti  4,800
Editors Workshop Educate media outlets and encourage them to develop conservation media desks within their organizations 7,000
Journalist / Radio Training Conduct a three-day retreat for article and program collaboration. Journalists and broadcasters work together to brainstorm topics, write drafts, and respond to each other’s work, and to formalize the journalist network 7,000
Journalist / Radio Grants Provide one research/travel grant to print journalist and one grant to radio broadcaster for drama development. 5,000
Wildlife Ambassador Seminar Conference with regional student Wildlife Ambassadors to develop knowledge of SPF programs and how to implement them 5,000
Musoma Saturation Program Initiate and sustain a multi-year Community Saturation Program using education, community meetings, and media in the Musoma area, to the west of the Serengeti. 15,000
Loliondo Ongoing Community Work Build on the work already done with education and community seminars with new Regional Staff member. 4,200

Total for 2018



oes here

2019     $105,760

  • Continue Loliondo programs.
  • Hire full time staff for Musoma.
  • Expands media workshops and Wildlife Ambassadors programs.
  • Evaluate everything and improve.
2019 Program / Activity


Details / Notes




Director’s Salary Full time salary for Meyasi Meshilieck, Executive Director. Includes a housing allowance. 15,180
Director’s Assistant Hire Assistant Director. Will help with all aspects of administration and program development.  6,000
Loliondo Regional Staff Continue with current staff member. 8,000
Musoma Regional Staff Hire full-time staff member 8,000
Government Pension Contributions 10% pension payments for all staff 3,780
Communications Internet. Wi-Fi. International calls 1,200
Office Space  2,400
Regional Vehicle Public hire for Musoma and Loliondo 4,000
Director’s Field Travel Vehicle rental and public transportation 8.400
Partner Meetings 2 per month  1,000
Technology equipment Computers. Phones 1,000
Conference / Training Ongoing staff training programs  3,000
Radio Ngorongoro Continue current programming via radio station reaching communities in the NCA. Provide a conservation program four times per month.  4,800
Radio Loliondo / Musoma Continue Swahili programming through Loliondo Radio to the east of the Serengeti also reaching Musoma area on the western side of the Serengeti  4,800
Expand Media Network Extend media workshops into the universities and training centers to expand the network of journalists and radio producers 5,000
Journalist Grants and Awards Provide research/travel grant to print journalist and radio broadcaster. Provide award Media Council of Tanzania award’s ceremony. 5,000
Wildlife Ambassador Programs Work with Wildlife Ambassadors to implement what they have learned about working at the local level 10,000
Musoma Saturation Program Continue the Community Saturation Program in the Musoma area, with new staff member there. 10,000
Loliondo Ongoing Community Work Build on the work already done with education and community emphasizing Youth Empowerment Programs 4.200

Total for 2019



2020     $153,630

  • All community programs up and running.
  • Wildlife Ambassadors established and operating on a local level.
  • Radio programming expanded.
2020 Program / Activity


Details / Notes




Director’s Salary Full time salary for Meyasi Meshilieck, Executive Director. Includes a housing allowance. 16,700
Director’s Assistant Hire Assistant Director. Will help with all aspects of administration and program development.  6,600
Loliondo Regional Staff Continue with current staff member. 8,000
Musoma Regional Staff Continue with  full-time staff member 8,000
Ngorongoro Regional Staff Hire full-time staff member 8,000
Government Pension Contributions 10% pension payments for all staff 4.730
Communications Internet. Wi-Fi. International calls 1,800
Office Space  2,400
Regional Vehicle Public hire for Musoma and Loliondo 4,000
Director’s Field Travel Vehicle rental and public transportation 15,000
Technology equipment Computers. Phones 1,000
Annual Planning Meeting All Regional Staff travel to Arusha  1,400
Partner Meetings 2 per month  1,000
International Conference Ongoing staff training programs  4,000
Radio Ngorongoro Continue current programming via radio station reaching communities in the NCA. Provide a conservation program four times per month.  4,800
Radio Loliondo / Musoma Continue Swahili programming, through Loliondo Radio to the east of the Serengeti also reacning Musoma area on the western side of the Serengeti  4,800
Ngorongoro Saturation Program Begin programs in education, community seminars, and other activities in conjunction with radio. 20,000
Loliondo Ongoing Community Work Build on the work already done with education and community emphasizing Youth Empowerment Programs 4.200
Musoma Ongoing Community Work Continue the Community Saturation Program in the Musoma area, with new staff member there. 4,200
Journalist Grants and Awards Provide research/travel grant to print journalist and radio broadcaster. Provide award Media Council of Tanzania award’s ceremony. 5,000
Media Workshops 2 workshops for radio and print 14,000
Wildlife Ambassador Program Work with Wildlife Ambassadors to implement what they have learned about working at the local level 12,000

Total for 2020



2021     $136,353

  • Evaluate and expand all community programs.
  • Expand and develop Wildlife Ambassadors.
  • Continue with radio and journalism.
  • Evaluate and adapt
2021 Program / Activity


Details / Notes




Director’s Salary Full time salary for Meyasi Meshilieck, Executive Director. Includes a housing allowance. 18,370
Director’s Assistant Hire Assistant Director. Will help with all aspects of administration and program development.  7,260
Loliondo Regional Staff Continue with current staff member. 8,800
Musoma Regional Staff Continue full-time staff member 8,800
Ngorongoro Regional Staff Continue full-time staff member 8,000
Government Pension Contributions 10% pension payments for all staff 5,123
Communications Internet. Wi-Fi. International calls 2,400
Office Space  3,500
Regional Vehicle Public hire for Musoma and Loliondo 4,000
Director’s Field Travel Vehicle rental and public transportation 10,000
Technology equipment Computers. Phones 1,000
Annual Planning Meeting All Regional Staff travel to Arusha  2,100
Partner Meetings 2 per month  1,000
International Conference Ongoing staff training programs  4,000
Radio Ngorongoro Continue current programming via radio station reaching communities in the NCA. Provide a conservation program four times a month  4,800
Radio Loliondo / Musoma Continue Swahili programming through Loliondo Radio to the east of the Serengeti also reacning Musoma area on the western side of the Serengeti  4,800
Ngorongoro Saturation Program Begin programs in education, community seminars, and other activities in conjunction with radio. 10,000
Loliondo Ongoing Community Work Build on the work already done with education and community emphasizing Youth Empowerment Programs 4.200
Musoma Ongoing Community Work Continue the Community Saturation Program in the Musoma area, with new staff member there. 4,200
Journalist Grants and Awards Provide research/travel grant to print journalist and radio broadcaster. Provide award Media Council of Tanzania award’s ceremony. 5,000
Media Workshops 2 workshops for radio and print 14,000
Wildlife Ambassador Program Work with Wildlife Ambassadors to implement what they have learned about working at the local level 5,000

Total for 2021



2022     $139,100

  • All community programs up and running.
  • Wildlife Ambassadors established and operating on a local level.
  • Radio programming expanded.
2022 Program / Activity


Details / Notes




Director’s Salary Full time salary for Meyasi Meshilieck, Executive Director. Includes a housing allowance. 20,210
Director’s Assistant Hire Assistant Director. Will help with all aspects of administration and program development.  7,990
Loliondo Regional Staff Continue with current staff member. 9,680
Musoma Regional Staff Hire full-time staff member 9,680
Ngorongoro Regional Staff Hire full-time staff member 8.800
Government Pension Contributions 10% pension payments for all staff 5,640
Communications Internet. Wi-Fi. International calls 2,400
Office Space  3,500
Regional Vehicle Public hire for Musoma, Loliondo, Ngorongoro 6,000
Director’s Field Travel Vehicle rental and public transportation 10,000
Technology equipment Computers. Phones 1,000
Annual Planning Meeting All Regional Staff travel to Arusha  2,100
Partner Meetings 2 per month  1,000
International Conference Ongoing staff training programs  6,000
Radio Ngorongoro Continue current programming via radio station reaching communities in the NCA. Provide a conservation program four times a month  4,800
Radio Loliondo / Musoma Continue Swahili programming through Loliondo Radio to the east of the Serengeti also reaching Musoma area on the western side of the Serengeti  4,800
Ngorongoro Ongoing Community Work Continue programs in education, community seminars, and other activities in conjunction with radio. 4,200
Loliondo Ongoing Community Work Build on the work already done with education and community emphasizing Youth Empowerment Programs 4.200
Musoma Ongoing Community Work Continue the Community Saturation Program in the Musoma area, with new staff member there. 4,200
Journalist Grants and Awards Provide research/travel grant to print journalist and radio broadcaster. Provide award Media Council of Tanzania award’s ceremony. 5,000
Media Workshops 2 workshops for radio and print 14,000
Wildlife Ambassador Program Work with Wildlife Ambassadors to implement what they have learned about working at the local level 5,000

Total for 2022

